LOS ANGELES – July 14, 2011 – Farmscape, LLC announces that the company’s raised-bed organic gardens have saved the greater Los Angeles area more than one million gallons of water over the past three years. The analysis, conducted internally, compares the average water consumption of Farmscape gardens with that of a similar sized plot of Southern California grass lawn.

“Planting water-wise Farmscape gardens has saved Los Angeles more than one million gallons of water,” says Farmscape CEO Jesse DuBois. “This is a ‘win-win’ for Southern Californians. You get tastier, healthier fruits and vegetables while conserving precious water and saving money on your water bill.”
Farmscape gardens have targeted drip emitter irrigation which can use up to 90 percent less water than traditional lawn irrigation. The company also offers its customers water-wise “hardscape” around each garden—often decomposed granite—and can plant succulents or drought-resistant native flowers nearby.
As the company’s garden membership continues to grow, Farmscape anticipates saving another one million gallons of water by the end of 2011. That’s the equivalent of than 40,000 showers or 100,000 loads of the family dishwasher.
“In addition to our goal of empowering Southern California to take back control of its food supply, we are also committed to sustainable, organic, water-saving methods that we hope will create a network of thriving, small-scale urban farms across the Southland,” says DuBois.
Farmscape (www.farmscapegardens.com), based out of Los Feliz, Los Angeles, is an organic gardening social enterprise that empowers individuals to take control of their food supply by providing them with the necessary organic and sustainable tools to create a network of thriving, small-scale urban farms. Farmscape designs, installs, and maintains attractive, raised-bed, gardens in residential and community spaces around Southern California. In the spirit of the Victory Garden of the 1940s, Farmscape expects more from the average lawn and landscaping and is committed to transforming the way people think about gardening. It’s not just a leisure activity; it’s a way of life.