DBA Publishing $50

DBA Filing

Do You Need to Publish a Fictitious Business Name Statement (DBA) in Los Angeles County? Every new DBA filed requires 4 weeks of legal publishing. Call or text us at the office, and set up the publishing. (818) 605-8940.

Congratulations on Your New Business! Now it is time to publish your DBA. Text 818-605-8940 to fulfill the requirements set forth by state law.

Van Nuys News Press Can Help….

Do you need to PUBLISH your Fictitious Business Name Statement (DBA)? We offer a PUBLICATION service that includes the following:

  1. We publish a legal notice for the required four consecutive weeks in the weekly Valley Vantage newspaper.
  2. Upon completion of the four-week publication, we will file the proof of publication affidavit with the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.  This completes the process, and your DBA will be valid for five years or until you make any changes.

What you need to do:

Send us a copy of your filed Fictitious Business Name Statement (DBA) – showing the file number, date and barcode at the top-right of the page — and payment of $50 using one of the following methods.

  1. Mail a copy of your filed DBA and a check for $50 payable to Van Nuys News Press to 2624 Victoria Ave, Port Hueneme, CA 93041.
  2. Scan a copy of your filed DBA and email it to editor@vannuysnewspress.com, and then call (818) 707-2507 to make a payment with a credit or debit card. Alternatively, write your telephone number in the email and request a call back for payment upon receipt of your email.
  3. Fax a copy of your filed DBA to (818) 286-9579, and then call (818) 707-2507 to make a payment with a credit or debit card. Alternatively, write your telephone number on the fax and request a call-back for payment upon receipt of your fax.

Other Useful Links

The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Fictitious Business Name General Information page:


Search a business name in Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s database:


Links to application forms, instructions and example documents for a Fictitious Business Name Statement (DBA):


Download the application form and instructions for a Statement of Abandonment of Use of Fictitious Business Name (requires publication):


Download the application form and instructions for a Withdrawal From Partnership Operating Under a Fictitious Business Name (requires publication):


As always, please consult a lawyer with any additional questions and see our Terms and Conditions.


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