Van Nuys News Press Online Advertising
Email for rates:
- All banners are linked to whatever URL you specify
- Banners are shown on all pages
- Please have all banners as jpeg formats.
- Main page banners are available
- All banners are rotated equally. Later, paid advertising will take precedence.
- Sizes available
- 468×60 px
- 300×250 px
- 120×600 px (towers)
- List your business for free. Just log in, register and the webmaster will approve your listing. (Data gets searched by Google). In a few months, listings will not be free.
- All classifieds are free for a while, all you must do is register, log in, then fill out business listing or classified
Van Nuys News Press will accept most articles from any business, entity, or individual.
- All articles will be approved by site Director.
- All articles must be more than 400 words.
- No links in articles, link only in author bio.
- All articles must be unique content. Articles will be checked.
- No limit to number of articles submitted by any entity.
- How to? register for site and then submit content.
We offer a great value for the local Los Angeles County community. Our current statistics are as follows:
- Google News Network inclusion (very important, email if you have questions)
- Since the Google inclusion, traffic has more than doubled.
- 1000 unique visitors per DAY.
- 250,000 impressions per month (these are not visits, these are results in the search engines)
- 80% of visits are from California and of that, 60% is from a 15 miles radius of Van Nuys.
Stay tuned for our Advertising Network Information.