George Christopher ThomasGeorge Christopher Thomas

Local Elected Official George Christopher Thomas Asks For Your Vote For Assembly Delegate

“I am running for Assembly Delegate in the 50th District to bring progressive and forward thinking ideas to the California Democratic Party and our state convention. As a lifelong Democrat, I believe in creating jobs and strengthening the economy, reforming education, protecting the environment, and taking care of our sick and elderly.
As a local elected official and Council President, I have revolutionized civic and citizen participation, with some of our council meetings having upwards of 300 people attending and being involved with their city government.

As a LAPD volunteer for over 10 years, I have and will continue to fight for lowering crime, creating community policing initiatives, and for our law enforcement officers to wear body cameras for more accountability and transparency for all parties involved in incidents and traffic stops.
As your Assembly Delegate, I promise to actively participate in all three days of our convention, and to submit and supply a detailed report of everything that took place during our annual get together in 2015 and 2016.
I respectfully ask for your vote on January 11th, and look forward to serving as your Assembly Delegate.  Cheers and thank you for considering my candidacy,” said Council President George Christopher Thomas.  (