SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA — LAPD – West Valley are reporting several recurring burglary MO’s that are becoming increasingly frequent — burglars entering homes via unsecured dog doors, and entering through second stories by using a ladder. There has been a series of dog door burglaries in the West Valley area, with at least seven or eight occurring in recent weeks. Additionally, suspects are spraying dogs with some kind of mace when they enter homes through dog doors.This presents the need for homeowners to somehow secure their dog doors.

LAPD – West Valley also reports an increase in incidences of burglars entering a home through the second story via ladder, often the resident’s own ladder. The majority of homeowners with alarms do not have the second story of their home wired for an alarm. Burglars have become aware of this. Recent burglaries also show a trend of burglars bypassing alarm systems by breaking windows without disturbing the window frame. Police officers have reported numerous burglary cases involving homes with alarms that have not been set when the owners leave the house. Homeowners in the West Valley to be aware of these recent trends. It is important to secure dog doors when you leave your home, and to make sure your alarm is turned on. Make sure your ladder is not easily accessible.

By daryl