Tutors work in the Adult Literacy Program empowering other adults by teaching basic reading, writing and functional literacy skills. Volunteers receive 7 hours of instruction in tutoring techniques and at the conclusion of the training are certified as Laubach Literacy tutors. Tutors and students meet twice a week for 1 to 1-1/2 hours per meeting at a time and location convenient for both tutor and student. The Library requires a minimum commitment of six months. To learn more about becoming a volunteer tutor, contact the literacy coordinator at one of the Library Literacy Centers.
The collection at each literacy center consists of books, videos, audiocassettes and interactive computer based tutorials focusing on:
Adult Basic Education, Limited English Proficiency & Test Preparation.
Mid-Valley Branch
16244 Nordhoff Street
North Hills, CA 91343
(818) 895-3663 ask for
MaryAnne Arensdorf

By daryl