Van Nuys CA CommunityVan Nuys CA Community

For immediate access to information and more than 1,500 City of Los Angeles services, just call 3-1-1, toll free.

Van Nuys CA Community
Van Nuys CA Community

It is an easy to remember number that acts as a diret line to the City for all non-emergency services and information.  City services include pothole repair, graffiti removal, bulky item pick-up, business permits etc.  Call for City phone numbers, office hours, locations and events, City Council public meeting schedules, committees, Neighborhood Council etc.  3-1-1 also has information on senior services, volunteerism, voting, and educational and recreational activities.

The service is available to all residents of the City of Los Angeles, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and trained operators will answer any questions you have about City events and services, and to transfer you to the appropriate City agency.

3-1-1 provides service in English and Spanish, to the hearing or speech impaired, in more than 150 other languages.

Los Angeles 3-1-1 can be accessed from the greater LA area toll free by calling (866) 4-LA-CITY, and from outside the grater LA area at (213) 473-3231.  Access the Citywide Services Directory, the searchable database used by 3-1-1 Ambassadors via the internet at

By daryl