Van Nuys CA CommunityVan Nuys CA Community

Business owners, employees and residents of the Van Nuys Area work hand in hand with the Police Department to address crime and issues that are of concern to the entire community.

Watch Programs — Apartment, Condominiums And Neighborhood Watch Programs

Sergeant Paul Anderson 818-756-9485 – These programs are comprised of property owners, managers and residents who have joined together to work with the Police Department to identify crime problems and to find methods to address these issues. The meetings are held by community members with police officers providing support. Police Community Representatives (PCR’s) and Block Captains ensure that crime information is disseminated to the community, assistance is provided in organizing neighborhood watch meetings, and a crime prevention resource library is maintained for the use of all community members.

Business Watch

Business owners and managers work with the Police Department to address crime and issues which are of a concern to the business community. Van Nuys has five Business Watch Programs in the Panorama City, Van Nuys, and Sherman Oaks areas. Listed below are the various business watch programs and their assigned chairpersons.

Van Nuys CA Community
Van Nuys CA Community

Sepulveda Business Watch – started approximately four years ago and is lead by local businessman and current President of the Chamber of Commerce, Flip Smith. Prostitution, narcotics, gangs and quality of life issues are the problems that led to the LAPD and local business people to join forces to create the Sepulveda Business Watch. The meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. For additional information contact Van Nuys Community Relations Office at 818-756-9485, or Flip Smith at 818-786-8686.

The Plant Business Watch – This is our newest Business Watch Group.  The meeting is located at The Plant, 7870 Van Nuys Boulevard, on the third Thursday of each month.  For further information, please call the Van Nuys Community Relations Office at 818-756-9485.

Other Programs

Abatement Nuisance – Officer Dean Dipaola 818-756-9485 – This program addresses quality of life issues such as abandoned vehicles and vacant buildings.

Community Police Advisory Board – 818-756-9485:  This board is comprised of community, business and residential members who meet monthly with the Commanding Officer of the Van Nuys Community Police Station to address community problems, identify solutions and improve the communication between the community and Police Department.

Community Relations Office – 818-756-9485:  This office coordinates community policing activities in the Panorama City, Sherman Oaks and Van Nuys neighborhoods.

Community Surveillance Team And Ham Watch – 818-756-8375 – These community volunteer groups are the “eyes and ears” of the Van Nuys Community Police Station, providing information to assist in the apprehension of criminals.

Community Tagger Task Force – 818-756-8375: This volunteer surveillance group assists the Police Department by documenting and reporting graffiti vandalism or, “tagging” crimes, by photographing and completing crime reports to apprehend and prosecute graffiti vandals.

Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) – 818-756-8371:  A police officer reserve is teamed with a counselor to provide immediate assistance to the victim and family members of domestic violence. DART also frees officers to respond to other field duties. This program was the winner of the 1997 “Mayor’s Productivity Award.”

Explorer Scouts – 818-756-9485: Youths are introduced to law enforcement careers and community service.

Graffiti Busters – Lefty Blasco 818-594-1828 – This volunteer group operates through citizen contributions and donations. They spend countless hours removing graffiti throughout the Panorama City, Sherman Oaks, and Van Nuys communities. They sandblast, paint, and clean graffiti off wherever it appears.

Mid-Valley Community Police Council – 818-756-9485 – This nonprofit community organization is comprised of local business and residential members who assist the Van Nuys Community Police Station by providing support for necessary police officer training, equipment, and supplies.

Mid-Valley Jeopardy Foundation – 818-756-9802:  This nonprofit community organization provides assistance by maintaining the Jeopardy facility (located at 6015 Woodman Ave.) and equipment. They also provide coaches, supervision, and tutoring for participating youths.

New Employee Orientation Program – 818-756-7970 – New Van Nuys Community Police Station employees meet with community business and residential members to receive insight on community concerns and issues.

Reserve Officer Program – Officer Dean DiPaola, 818-756-9485: Reserve police officers are an essential part of operations at the Van Nuys Police Station. Line reserve officers work field assignments. Technical reserve officers work the front desk allowing police officers to work field assignments. Specialist reserve officers provide a unique or specialized skill.

Safe Parks – 818-756-9485:  Park Rangers, community members, and police officers get together to create a safe environment at our local community parks.

Safe Schools – 818-756-8375 – School police, Van Nuys Police Officers, and school Principals work together to maintain a safe environment for our youth to attend school.  See for more info.

By daryl