By Jean Strauber, Entertainment Editor

On Sunday, May 29, the Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks War Memorial Park will be host to the Fourth Annual Memorial Day Weekend celebration being presented by the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council,  the American Legion Post 193 and the Horace Heidt Band Foundation.

There’s a great story about this park:  American Legion Post 193 members who were mainly  GI’s returning from World War II pooled their money together and bought the property.  They then contacted the City of Los Angeles and offered to donate this property to the city with the stipulation that it would be used to build a monument to our American fallen heroes.

Some of those GI’s are still alive.  One of them, Sgt. Joe Pietroforte, will be presented an “Eagle’s Heart Award” during the ceremony between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.  This is the fourth annual Music in the Park celebration.  Guests will be Neighborhood Council Representatives, LAPD Senior Lead Officers and your elected officials.

At 4:00 p.m. the Horace Heidt Jr. Band with guest artists Ed Ames and Bill A. Jones will perform.  Park visitors will find give-aways, a balloon artist and refreshments.  The park is located on the northwest corner of Hazeltine Avenue and Huston Street in Sherman Oaks.  See

By Jean Strauber

Entertainment Writer