Serve & Volunteer

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council To Implement Sustainable Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Obama has called on all Americans – young and old, from every background all across the country – to make volunteerism and community service part of their daily lives. To that end, he tasked the Corporation for National and Community Service to lead United We Serve, an effort that began as a summer service initiative and expanded to encourage volunteerism all year round.

Serving Rural America’s Kids and Families feature image
The challenges our nation faces cannot be solved by edicts or quick fixes from Washington alone. We can rebuild our schools, but we need people to be mentors and tutors in those schools. We can modernize our health care system, but we need volunteers in our hospitals and communities to help care for the sick and help people lead healthier lives. We can invest in clean energy, but we need people to use energy-efficient products in their homes and train for the green jobs of the future.

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work

If you’re involved in a service project in your community, go to and register it so other people can sign up to join you. If you have an idea for a project – like getting a group together to volunteer each week at a homeless shelter, or read to kids at your local library, or pick up trash in a local park – you can go online and register that, too.  And if you’re someone who’s interested in volunteering, you can go to to find opportunities in your community. The website has everything you need to get started.

The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council will be partnering with the Corporation for National and Community Service to address certain environmental and sustainable issues, including:
~construction or physical improvements related to energy and water performance in economically disadvantaged communities,
~direct, sustained recycling and waste treatment activities,
~improvements of at-risk public lands or waterways (beyond general cleanup),
~creating awareness among economically disadvantaged communities of personal actions to benefit energy and water conservation/efficiency and solid waste recycling, and
~formal and informal green job training for economically disadvantaged people.
Volunteering and national service is a vital and cost-effective solution to our nation’s most-difficult challenges. The Corporation for National and Community Service stands ready to help Americans tackle these challenges and build a better future for our people, neighborhoods, and nation.  Now more than ever, it’s important to make every dollar count. National service is a cost-effective solution that taps into the power of citizens.