Freeway ClosuresFreeway Closures

Have questions about the Mulholland Bridge demolition and related 405 closure on July 16-17? Ask the experts during Metro’s live Internet Chat

405 Freeway
405 Freeway

As LA prepares for the 53-hour closure of the I-405 freeway between the I-10 and US 101 the weekend of July 16-17, the public is being encouraged to plan ahead, avoid the area or stay home. Metro’s experts will answer your questions during the 1-hour live internet chat from noon to 1 pm on Wednesday, June 29 at

The June 29 chat is another effort in an aggressive outreach plan to inform the public about the I-405 project and the July 16-17 freeway closure. For more information on the I-405 project go to, or For more information on Metro’s Live Chats go to To post live questions during the chat go to or to email questions in advance, go to

Closure limits:

Northbound: I-10 to US 101 
Southbound: US 101 to Getty Center Dr

Full closure times:

July 16-17, 2011

On Friday, July 15, 2011, ramps along the 10-mile closure will begin shutting down as early as 7pm and lanes will begin to shut down as early as 10pm, allowing for a full closure by midnight on July 16.

The freeway will reopen by 5am on Monday, July 18, 2011 with all ramps and connectors open by 6am.

The Mulholland Bridge will also be closed during this time. The Mulholland Bridge will reopen by Monday, July 18, 2011 at 6am, with one lane in each direction.

By daryl