Assembly Member Mike Feuer

SACRAMENTO, CA — Assembly member Mike Feuer (D-Los Angeles) (pictured below) has been honored as an “Environmental Champion” by Green California, a network of

Assembly Member Mike Feuer
Assembly Member Mike Feuer

environmental, health and justice organizations that include California League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council, Nature Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund and others.  The honor was conferred to legislators who have achieved a lifetime “100%” environmental rating and demonstrated a commitment to forwarding a particular environmental cause.  Feuer was presented the award by Warner Chabot, CEO of the California League of Conservation Voters.

In 2008, Feuer authored groundbreaking legislation that will implement a first-in-the-nation Green Chemistry initiative in California that will give state scientists and regulators the ability to protect Californians from the toxins found in consumer products.  Feuer continues to advocate for the comprehensive implementation of the Green Chemistry program.  Feuer laid the groundwork, in 2008, for the financing of new a new, landmark package of transportation projects in Los Angeles.

In his time in the Assembly, Feuer has proposed legislation to require reductions in per-capita water usage, to reduce ocean litter, and other environmental measures.  The Assembly member’s website is

By daryl

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