SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA — Congressman Tony Cárdenas (CA-29) stresses the importance of extreme weather and emergency preparedness in a newly-created public service announcement (PSA). The locally-targeted PSA, recorded in partnership with The Weather Channel television network, is airing on the network starting Monday, June 29th and will run through August 4th.
“Millions of people across the country experience severe weather every year, and California is no exception,” said Rep. Cárdenas. “In a state that is frequently ravaged by wildfires, it is critically important for people to create an emergency plan, practice that plan and always stay alert and ready for emergencies. Being prepared can be the difference between life and death.”
Tom O’Brien, President of The Weather Channel television network said, “Being prepared is the best thing anyone can do when severe weather is approaching. We are grateful for Rep. Cárdenas’ work in helping us to spread the important message of severe weather preparedness to the community. Our core mission at the network is to provide the public with up-to-the-minute information and in-depth coverage on what to expect and how to stay safe before, during and after impact. We are proud to work with Rep. Cárdenas. on this important initiative.”
The full video can be viewed here.
Weather preparedness and severe weather coverage from The Weather Channel has never been more important as billion-dollar storms are on the rise. The network is the leader in live, severe weather coverage, producing the most comprehensive coverage of any media outlet. For 10 years in a row, Harris Poll has ranked The Weather Channel as the “TV News Brand of the Year”. In 2018, an Ipsos poll ranked the network the most trusted name in news media and in 2019, a Morning Consult poll named The Weather Channel as one of the most trusted brands in America. Last year, The Weather Channel won an Emmy for its coverage of its new Immersive Mixed Reality technology for depicting the dangers of tornadoes.
About The Weather Channel — Since its launch over 37 years ago, The Weather Channel television network has become the top-rated and most widely distributed weather network in America. The Weather Channel television network has been the leader in severe weather coverage, providing the most comprehensive analysis of any media outlet and serving as the nation’s only 24-hour source of national storm coverage. With trusted meteorologists who analyze, forecast and report the weather, its expertise is unrivaled. In 2018, the Ipsos poll ranked The Weather Channel as the most trusted name in news media and in 2019, The Weather Channel won an Emmy for its coverage of its new Immersive Mixed Reality technology. For 10 years in a row, Harris Poll has ranked The Weather Channel as the “TV News Brand of the Year.”