Anna Fisher Sober DayAnna Fisher Sober Day

Van Nuys, CA

Anna Fisher Sober Day
Anna Fisher Sober Day

Sober Link, a non-profit organization. is hosting “Sober Day LA” in its 17th annual Walkathon and Spring Festival on Sunday, May 20 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. The walkathon consists of two walks: Track A, a 3-mile route from Panorama Mall – 8333 Van Nuys Blvd., Panorama City; and Walk: Track B, 1 mile from Van Nuys Recreation Center at 14301 Vanowen Street. The festivities will take place at the Marvin Braude Constituent Center 6262 Van Nuys Van Nuys. In addition to Sober Link, many other non profits are scheduled to participate, including People In Progress, Volunteer Center, Tarzana Treatment Center, Van Nuys Treatment Center, Jack London High School and Oasis Woman Recovering Community among others. The festivities will feature Scarlett a rock/pop band that is a youth oriented group formed by youth, and Anna Fisher, a recording artist and oboist of Molin Music, who will perform her hit single “Break the Silence, Stop the Violence.”

Other scheduled performers include Mariachi Palmero Youth Group, Perfumes of Araby Belly Dancers, Soul Sisters Line Dancers, Ladies First II Hype Drill Team from Pacoima, and also Prophet, a young rapper. Other youth groups who will provide entertainment include “All Star After School Program From Vista Middle School” and Debbie Reynolds Studio youth dancers from North Hollywood. Aztec dancers will bless the grounds. Food from Central America, community services and wellness-related services will be on display. Community members are encouraged to participate in this event, and a convenient a shuttle service will take people from Van Nuys to the walk site. You must show up at 8:00 am to take the shuttle. Sober Day LA is sponsored by the public offices of City of Los Angeles Councilmenbers Tony Cardenas, Richard Alarcon, Paul Krekorian, LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, State Senator Alex Padilla and Congressman Howard Berman. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villarraigosa Valley Office staff will join the walkers this year.

Sober Link provides outpatient and wellness services to youth and their families. Services include detox, counseling and aftercare as well as supportive family bonding services and groups for people in recovery. Rachel Cosmic founder, CEO and Director for the nonprofit organization, created “Sober Day LA” to promote community involvement, cultural awareness, and substance abuse prevention, violence-free lifestyles. All who support the Sober Day LA Walk are helping to create awareness by volunteering their time to help prevent substance abuse and violence in our communities. For more information and an application form for entry to the walkathaon, please call Sober Link (818) 623-0945 or visit