Certified HumaneCertified Humane

Too many of the cows that provide milk for the dairy products we consume live in unnecessarily poor and often cruel conditions. Cows and calves often spend a majority of their lives unable

Certified Humane
Certified Humane

to perform the natural and instinctive behaviors necessary to their health and well-being. Inhumane conditions aren’t necessary to produce dairy products. It’s going to take all our voices to get dairy farms to hear that we take the welfare of their animals into account when purchasing milk, cheese and other dairy products.

Dairy farmers aren’t going to make any changes unless they hear from you. There are farms that comply with Certified Humane® standards — a comprehensive set of guidelines that ensure that farm animals live in humane conditions and do not suffer or live in cruel conditions. More farms need to hear that the welfare of dairy cows matter to customers. Sign the petition at www.thepetitionsite.com urging dairy farmers to become Certified Humane®

By daryl