Van Nuys Neighborhood CouncilVan Nuys Neighborhood Council

The Valley’s Largest Neighborhood Council Will Host Its Third Summit Of The Year Addressing Community Issues

VAN NUYS, CA — The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council has started to plan its third summit of the year, focusing on immigration issues and helping the majority immigrant community make adjustments to their immigration status.

“The population trends in Van Nuys show that our neighborhoods have increasingly become a community of Hispanics and Latinos.  They make up the majority of the population, and many of them are foreign born and are English language deficient.  We plan on increasing English language proficiency through partnerships with local non-profits and similar organizations that teach English.  We are also going to start distributing bilingual materials and assistance for both government and social services,” said Council President George Christopher Thomas.

“We are going to get more Hispanic and Latino constituents involved in the neighborhood council.  The majority of the population in Van Nuys speaks Spanish as a first language, and our council will continue to represent all of the people in Van Nuys and throughout the San Fernando Valley,” said Council President Thomas.

The VNNC’s Summit and Workshop on Immigration is tentatively set for Wednesday, October 22th, 2014 from 7:00pm – 9:30pm.  The location will be the Marvin Braude Constituent Services Center at 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard.  The VNNC is currently seeking co-sponsors and speakers for the summit.  If you would like to participate, please email Council President George Christopher Thomas at  For more information about the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council, please visit