Freeway ClosuresFreeway Closures

Residents are urged to stay away from the I-405 the weekend of July 16-17, when the freeway will be closed for construction to create a 10-mile northbound carpool lane.

405 Freeway
405 Freeway

“The I-405 widening project will provide commuters with a continuous carpool lane from Orange County to the San Fernando Valley, saving them 20 minutes on their daily commute. Not only will this carpool lane help reduce congestion on one of the busiest freeway corridors in the region, it will provide thousands of direct and indirect jobs and help expedite the region’s economic recovery. 

But with long-term gain, comes short-term pain. At midnight on Friday, July 15, the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project will close the I-405 freeway northbound between the 10 and 101, and southbound from the 101 to Getty Center Drive. It will open again for traffic at 5 AM on Monday, July 18. 

Transportation agencies are working in coordination with law enforcement, emergency responders, local residents, businesses, and commuters to ensure this operation is executed as smoothly as possible for the traveling public. 

To everyone who drives and commutes in Los Angeles: plan ahead, avoid the area, or stay home that weekend. Eliminate all unnecessary auto trips and do your part to help reduce congestion on the region’s freeway network and major arterials. If you must commute, take an alternative route or ride the Metro subway for free that weekend. Extra buses will be added that weekend on Sunset, the Orange Line, Santa Monica, Fairfax and Ventura Boulevard. I’m confident that with your cooperation, we can minimize the impacts of this closure.” 

To check for updates on the 405 closure go to:,

By Harry

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