Lab Monkey Air CanadaLab Monkey Air Canada

Most airline travelers don’t imagine lab monkeys squished in cages against their luggage in airplane cargo holds, subjected to cold, stopovers, and long delays. Air Canada, however, regularly transports monkeys in the cargo holds of their planes. In January of this year, for example, 48 monkeys traveled from China to Toronto.

Lab Monkey Air Canada
Lab Monkey Air Canada

In addition to the changing temperatures and cramped spaces of the hold, they remained in their crates for more than 15 hours of Canada winter on the tarmac. Monkeys are intelligent animals who deserve compassion, not neglect.

Although many other airlines refuse to carry animals destined for experimentation, Air Canada does not maintain this policy and continues to transport these monkeys. Sign this petition at to pressure Air Canada to refuse to carry all animals destined for experimentation.