Traffic Safety Coalition Raises Awareness about Responsible Driving through National Stop on Red Week

The Traffic Safety Coalition (TSC) is marking National Stop on Red Week by raising awareness about the importance of responsible driving.  The TSC has also released a new web video entitled “It’s the Law,” reminding drivers of the dangers and impact of red light running.  The video can be viewed at

“No family should ever have to endure the loss of a loved one because someone illegally ran a red light.  This week is a reminder to all drivers about the importance of obeying our most basic traffic safety law: red means stop,” said Traffic Safety Coalition co-Chair Paul Oberhauser, whose daughter Sarah was tragically killed in 2002 when a driver ran a red light and crashed into her car.

Across the country, the TSC’s campaigns focus on working with concerned citizens, traffic safety experts, law enforcement, public officials, victim’s advocates and health care professionals who are committed to making our roads safer for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians alike.  TSC works with its partners to educate the public about the important role technology plays in improving road safety, including through the use of traffic safety cameras.

A 2011 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) study affirms the life-saving effects of traffic safety cameras.  Researchers examined intersection fatal crash rates due to red light running in the 14 largest U.S. cities using intersection cameras.  The study compared crash rates before and after cities initiated safety camera programs, and compared cities with camera enforcement to those without, concluding 159 lives were saved in those 14 cities because of safety cameras.  IIHS also concluded 815 lives could have been saved had cameras been used in every large city in the U.S. during the same time period.

The TSC Works with more than 50 partners across the country, including National Alliance for Biking and Walking, National Safety Council, Texas Trauma Center, Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, California Bicycle Coalition, New Jersey Hospital Association and local chapters of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and Safe Kids USA.

About the Traffic Safety Coalition:
The Traffic Safety Coalition is a not-for-profit, grassroots organization comprised of concerned citizens, traffic safety experts, law enforcement, public officials, victim’s advocates, health care professionals, and industry leaders who are committed to working together to make our roads safer for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.  We work with our partners throughout the country to promote technology and education that save lives and keep our roads safe.  For more information, visit

By daryl