Donald TrumpDonald Trump

By George Christopher Thomas, Political Reporter

FAIRBANKS, ALASKA — In what has become the hottest and most watched political contest of the year, former President Donald Trump has now endorsed Sarah Palin for Congress.  This comes on the heels of 51 candidates filing for the seat and running for the U.S. House of Representatives.  This is Alaska’s lone seat in the Congressional delegation.  Dean of the House and Republican Don Young passed away at 88 years old last month, which has opened up a jungle primary where the top 4 candidates move on to the general election.  

McConnell-TrumpFormer President Donald Trump released the following statement, “Wonderful patriot Sarah Palin of Alaska just announced that she is running for Congress, and that means there will be a true America First fighter on the ballot to replace the late and legendary Congressman Don Young. Sarah shocked many when she endorsed me very early in 2016, and we won big. Now, it’s my turn! Sarah has been a champion for Alaska values, Alaska energy, Alaska jobs, and the great people of Alaska. She was one of the most popular Governors because she stood up to corruption in both State Government and the Fake News Media. Sarah lifted the McCain presidential campaign out of the dumps despite the fact that she had to endure some very evil, stupid, and jealous people within the campaign itself. They were out to destroy her, but she didn’t let that happen. Sarah Palin is tough and smart and will never back down, and I am proud to give her my Complete and Total Endorsement, and encourage all Republicans to unite behind this wonderful person and her campaign to put America First!”

Sarah Palin is the former governor of Alaska, and was John McCain’s pick for the Vice Presidential spot on the GOP ticket in 2008.