LOS ANGELES, CA — The Los Angeles Fire Department along with the Los Angeles Police Department agree that distracted driving is a dangerous epidemic on America’s roadways. In 2010 alone, over 3,000 people were killed in distracted driving crashes. Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for American teens. When it comes to distracted driving, young people are among the most likely to text and talk behind the wheel.

That’s why Distraction.gov is inviting high school students to help spread the word on distracted driving by asking them to design a creative icon that can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social networking sites. They are looking for icons that send a clear message: Cell phones and driving don’t mix. The selected design will also be featured on Distraction.gov as part of the official DOT campaign against distracted driving. So, visit dd-design.challenge.gov to join in this fun way to kick distracted driving to the curb. Remember, one call or text can wreck it all!

By daryl