Congressman CardenasCongressman Cardenas

SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA —  Today, U.S. Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-San Fernando Valley) announced a pair of new resources available to Veterans in the San Fernando Valley.

“I am committed to doing everything possible to help ease the transition from military life to the civilian world for our Veterans, and to protect the promises of care that we have made to them,” said Cardenas. “On the anniversary of our freedom as a nation, it only makes sense to work even harder for those who defend that freedom.”

Cárdenas introduced a new employment resources portal on his official website. The portal can be accessed by selecting the “Veterans Resources” page at CARDENAS.HOUSE.GOV, and clicking on the link entitled “Resources for Veterans Seeking Employment.”

For all Veterans in the Valley, Cárdenas has also created a Veterans Advisory Committee, dedicated to informing the Congressman of Veteran’s needs, advocating for those needs and helping Cárdenas craft new legislation that will aid Veterans throughout the United States. The Advisory Committee is currently made up of four Veterans:  Roxana Alessio, Al Pintanida, Marc Jenkins and Olivia Joy Chavez.

Veterans who wish to discuss an issue or make a suggestion to the Veterans Advisory Committee can email them at