Sleepy at WorkSleepy at Work

If you’ve been burning the midnight oil, you may soon be burning out at work. According to a recent national survey by the Better Sleep Council, eight out of 10 Americans report at least one negative work-related side effect as a direct result of sleep deprivation.

Respondents reported most often that the quality of their work was affected by lack of sleep, as was their ability to think clearly, exercise good judgment and generally be in a pleasant mood. “A perception today is that you can accomplish more if you spend less time sleeping, but limited sleep can affect every aspect of your life,” said Dr. Bert Jacobson, Better Sleep

Sleepy at Work
Sleepy at Work

Council spokesman and author of a new Oklahoma State University study on mattresses and sleep quality, which was recently published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. “In fact, sleep deprivation impacts your level of alertness, your productivity and your ability to interact with colleagues and customers on the job.”

Only 27 percent of Americans get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night, impacting not only their health but the economy as well. Due to employees’ lack of quality sleep, U.S. businesses reportedly lose nearly $150 billion annually in absenteeism and lost productivity.

More alarming, when it comes to fighting fatigue during the day, only 13 percent of Americans say they are willing to make the commitment to get more sleep in order to feel more awake and productive at work. But many consumers fail to realize that improving the quality and quantity of sleep can be as easy as buying a new mattress. According to Jacobson’s study, sleep quality is directly affected by the quality of a person’s mattress. For a good night’s sleep, the Better Sleep Council reminds consumers to evaluate their mattress every five to seven years for optimum comfort and support, and replace if necessary.

Follow these tips from the Better Sleep Council to help improve your quality of sleep, and thereby live a happier, healthier and more productive life, both in and out of the workplace:

1. Stick to a sleep schedule. Make sleep a priority by scheduling eight hours of sleep each night and maintain a consistent schedule, even on the weekend.

2. Kick the caffeine habit. Avoid tea, coffee and soft drinks close to bedtime; research shows that caffeine interferes with getting a good night’s sleep.

3. Invest in rest. You spend one-third of your life in bed, so when you do need to buy a new mattress, be sure to choose one that is of the highest quality and comfort you can afford.