Tattoos (injecting ink permanently into the skin) can be traced back thousands of years. Tattooing has been used as a form of self-expression as well as for identification with social groups for generations. Over the past several years, tattoos have become commonplace in the U.S. It is estimated that more than 20 million people have tattoos now. In some studies, 15% to 50% of all those people with tattoos have some regrets and would like to have them removed. With unemployment rates near all-time highs and even newly minted graduates having trouble finding jobs, some are finding that their tattoos are holding them back from gaining employment or they believe their tattoos are preventing them from moving up professionally. Until very recently, tattoo removal meant removing the skin with the ink which resulted in unacceptable scarring.


New laser technology resulted in options for anyone unhappy with their tattoo.


Modern lasers nearly eliminate the chances of scarring and can treat tattoos of all colors!

ZAP that TATT, a Medical Corporation owned and operated by local physicians, has opened Santa Clarita’s only laser studio dedicated to laser tattoo removal. They use state-of-the-art lasers that are capable of treating tattoos of all colors. The tattoo trend has left thousands of people with tattoos they want removed or revised.

Asked why so many people want their tattoos treated, Suzanne Mendoza, ZAP that TATT’s registered nurse responded: “everyone has their own reason, and whatever their reason, we’re here to help.” Some of the reasons for laser treatment she has heard include:


• Some are finding it hard to find a job because of their tattoos.

• Their tattoo reminds them of a time in their life they want to leave behind.

• The tattoo reminds them of a relationship that has ended.

• Their skin is stretching out and distorting the tattoo.

• The tattoo is misspelled.

• Family pressure.

• They want to replace or modify the tattoo.

• They love their tattoo but hate its location.


ZAP that TATT provides free initial consultations so prospective clients can learn about how laser tattoo removal works, the costs involved, and to see if tattoo removal/fading is right for them.


Until now, clients had to travel to the San Fernando Valley for a studio that specializes in laser tattoo removal or fading. ZAP that TATT brings the laser tattoo studio within reach of anyone in and around Santa Clarita. They’ve got you (un)covered! Go to for more information or call 661-912-2885 to make your appointment for a free initial no-obligation consultation. Email:

Studio: 27420 Tourney Rd. Suite 220, Valencia, CA 91355

By daryl