VAN NUYS, CA – The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council (VNNC) unanimously approved the proposal to rename the new post office in Van Nuys after Marilyn Monroe.  The proposal was officially adopted during the December council meeting, and the council voted to approve the language in January before sending it to the Postal Service and Congressman Tony Cardenas’ Office.

“We are moving forward on this quite quickly. Our council has already voted on the proposal and now just needs to finalize the language.  At the January council meeting we are going to vote on submitting the newly adopted language, and then will send the proposal on over to Congressman Tony Cardenas and the Postal Service,” said George Christopher Thomas, President of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council.

“On behalf of the entire Van Nuys Neighborhood Council, I would like to thank Representative Cardenas as well as the fine people at the Postal Service.  This is also a wonderful opportunity to highlight the history of Van Nuys, and get the community more involved with politics and government.  Having this happen so fast is a testament to how different levels of government can work together,” said Thomas.

The General Meeting of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is held on the second Wednesday of every month at 6262 Van Nuys Blvd. in Van Nuys, CA.  The next meeting is Wednesday, January 9th at 7pm.   For additional information, please email George Christopher Thomas at