Ask Government George 4-9-07
Q I am a CPA and set up Corporations. One of my clients has the name Ghost Pics, and I got a letter from another company saying they have trademarked…
Covering the San Fernando Valley & the Greater Los Angeles area.
Q I am a CPA and set up Corporations. One of my clients has the name Ghost Pics, and I got a letter from another company saying they have trademarked…
Q–I think my lawyer is billing me for too many hours, but I can’t argue with him – he’s a lawyer! Is there any help available to me without hiring…
Van Nuys, CA — Fleas were the cause of the plague, and to this day fleas can still carry KILLER diseases. If your pet has fleas, you will soon find…
By Jorge Cristobal Tomas, Staff Writer Van Nuys, CA — An example of the renaissance going on at the Van Nuys Government Center is the new Civic Child Development Center.…
For immediate access to information and more than 1,500 City of Los Angeles services, just call 3-1-1, toll free. It is an easy to remember number that acts as a…
Business owners, employees and residents of the Van Nuys Area work hand in hand with the Police Department to address crime and issues that are of concern to the entire…
Van Nuys, CA — Some familiar faces at the Government Center are the newspaper solicitors who sell legal advertising at the County Building. The newspaper solicitors in Van Nuys are…