The Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery will install a photograph of President-elect Donald J. Trump from Jan. 13 through Feb. 11, 2025, to coincide with the 60th presidential inauguration Jan. 20. The photograph, taken in 2019 by photographer Pari Dukovic while on assignment for Time magazine, depicts Trump seated at the Resolute Desk, which, with a few exceptions, has been in the Oval Office since 1880. The portrait will be displayed on the museum’s first floor, adjacent to the “Recent Acquisitions” exhibition.

A second photograph of Trump, taken by Matt McClain in 2017 for The Washington Post, remains on view in “America’s Presidents” as part of a full chronology of the office. The Portrait Gallery’s signature exhibition, “America’s Presidents,” is the only complete collection of presidential portraits outside the White House. The museum’s official commissioned portrait of Trump will go on view following his final term in office. He is the only U.S. President aside from Grover Cleveland to have won a nonconsecutive second term.

A high-resolution image of Dukovic’s photograph is available for press at The work can also be photographed or filmed at the museum after Jan. 13. For access, contact Concetta Duncan at

National Portrait Gallery

The Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery tells the multifaceted story of the United States through the individuals who have shaped American culture. Spanning the visual arts, performing arts and new media, the Portrait Gallery portrays poets and presidents, visionaries and villains, actors and activists whose lives tell the nation’s story.        

The National Portrait Gallery is located at Eighth and G streets N.W., Washington, D.C.. Smithsonian Information: (202) 633-1000. Connect with the museum at and on FacebookInstagramX and YouTube.