In January, you can learn about wild wolf populations in California and beyond, and in February find out about orca intelligence

Once nearly exterminated in the lower forty-eight states, wolves are slowly reclaiming lost habitats, including in California. You can explore the lives of wolves and a possible future where “wild” and modern worlds can co-exist on January 8 during the Aquarium of the Pacific’s First Wednesdays. The panel discussion will include wolf biologists, an investigative journalist, and a Los Angeles Times reporter who is focused on California wildlife and the outdoors.

Wolves are both a conservation success story and a conservation challenge. The global story of resurgent top predators struggling to rebuild their population in human-dominated ecosystems is shared by bears, alligators, sea otters, orcas, sharks, and many other species. What lessons can we learn from these stories? Find out this and more during this panel discussion.

During the February First Wednesdays, guests will be able to dive into the topic of orca intelligence. Guests attending these two First Wednesdays events can also visit FROGS: Our Neighbors, which is part of the Aquarium’s new FROGS: Facing a Changing World exhibit. In addition, attendees can experience the Aquarium’s interactive exhibits Paint-a-Frog and Paint-a-Fish.

The Aquarium of the Pacific’s First Wednesdays series focuses on animals, nature, and conservation efforts. The events bring scientists, authors, and other experts into the Aquarium’s Honda Pacific Visions Theater for an illustrated talk paired with book signings or meet and greets and cocktail/social hours with music and crafts. The programs are best suited for high school and college students, young professionals, and adults of all ages. Lectures are also live streamed.

7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. January 8, 2025: Living With the “Wild” Wolves in California / Panel Discussion with Ryan Devereaux (investigative journalist and author), Lila Seidman (Los Angeles Times reporter), Amaroq Weiss (Center for Biological Diversity senior wolf advocate), moderated by Jackie Zupsic (Tusk Strategies executive vice president)

7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. February 5, 2025: Orca Intelligence / Speaker: Dr. Deborah Giles (Wild Orca and University of Washington)

Aquarium of the Pacific, 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, CA 90802

$5.00 per ticket for advance online reservations or $10 per ticket on the day of the event at the door (if available). Cash bar.

(562) 590-3100 or